Scars in the Sunlight

With Shelly Vaughn

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My Book is Out Now!

Time for an exciting update- my book is now available on Amazon!  

So much time and care went into making the book and the stories it holds. I hope you find it helpful or healing… whichever you need. I hope it resonates with you if you’re struggling with faith or pain or uncertainty. I hope it gives a glimmer of hope if you’re at the bottom of a valley and the way out seems so very far away. 

My story is just one, but so many women and families are facing this disease. Maybe this will ease the experience just a bit, if nothing else to know that you’re not alone.  

It’s available with the link below. If you know someone facing this fight, it’s easy to send one to them from Amazon. If this is for you, take care as you read it, and only absorb what you need to and when you need to. This disease can leave so many scars… I hope yours are comforted by the sunlight as well.